July-20 Tips

10 tips to spot online Covid-19 scams

Cybercrimes are on the rise with more people being online and curiously searching for latest corona updates and details. Fraudsters set up fake dashboards, send malicious emails or messages with malware to spy on your data which they can then use to dupe you. We give you 10 easy tips to help protect yourself.  


  1. Ignore emails and calls from unknown ids: Do not open any unsolicited emails or attend calls from unknown numbers. Click only on links from known and trusted sources.


  1. Check on trusted sources:Do not believe any information that you get from random websites or emails. Always check the official website of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), GoI or India’s Corona Dashboard to get the latest information about COVID‑19.


  1. Do not share personal information:Scammers may pose as someone calling from health care services or Corona helpline centre asking for information. Do not share any personal information like login information, bank details or address.


  1. Do not fall for the urgency: Phishing mails try to create a sense of urgency, demanding urgent action from you. Do not fall for this trap.


  1. Check for any hidden links: Copy the text of your email to a word document and check if there are any hyperlinked addresses that may lead to random websites. You can do this by hovering the cursor over the text. When the link is revealed, examine it to check for any authenticity.


  1. Spelling and grammatical mistakes are a warning: If an email includes spelling, punctuation and/or grammar errors, it could be a phishing email.


  1. Do a quick web search:If you receive a message or email that seems fishy, copy and paste the text on Google to see if people are talking about a similar suspicion. You may even find media reports regarding such scams.


  1. Donate carefully:Fraudsters take advantage of gullible people to solicit donations by posing as an organization working for COVID relief. Check the authenticity of the organization before making any donation.


  1. Don’t download apps or attachments: You may get notifications about certain apps that promise to give you critical information on the virus. These apps may have malware that gives access to all your important details to the scammers.
  2. Keep your computers and mobile devices up to date: Having the latest security software, web browser and operating system are the best defenses against the online threats.



Sources: www.rd.com, www.us.norton.com, www.tech.hindustantimes.com, www.consumerreports.org

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