Press Release

5th May 2021


As the pandemic rages on relentlessly throughout the country, we see false claims being made, especially on the social media, regarding ways to prevent Covid and, also its treatment. Whilst till some time back these revolved mostly around home remedies like steam inhalation and using methylene blue as a ‘wonder liquid’, with the situation getting graver we also see increased number of claims being made about machines that deliver pure air after destroying the virus, and such other appliances. Some of these have been going around on social media for more than a year now. However, what is worrying is that some of these have also found a way through mainstream media in recent weeks. CERC (Consumer Education and Research Association) has filed a complaint to CCPA (Central Consumer Protection Authority), against the advertisement of Haier AC that was recently released on leading television channels nationwide. (


The CCPA has been constituted under the new Consumer Protection Act 2019, which has empowered the Authority to tackle advertisers making misleading claims. This Act (CPA 2019) aims to provide stronger protection to consumers, and also seeks to be more holistic with stricter rules, including jail term for unfair trade practices like adulteration and misleading ads by firms.


Haier AC ad shows that doing simple exercises such as breathing and pranayama is “the hard way to keep your lungs healthy” while its new AC with dual clean technology is an easier way to keep lungs healthy. “CERC has always been active in spotting such misleading ads, reporting them to CCPA, ASCI (Advertising Standards Council of India) and other Regulators, and getting them withdrawn. This Air conditioner ad is grossly misleading. A self-clean technology of an AC cannot be compared to the benefits of breathing exercises for the lungs. It is not only irresponsible but also alarming as it might give people false sense of security when they are indoors.” says Uday Mawani, CEO, CERC.


The ad was released in the second week of April with Covid numbers reaching new highs every day, and we believe it aims to influence the vulnerable consumer, already terrified by the pandemic and willing to buy any and all solutions that seem to hold half a promise. Such situations promote quackery and fakery. A senior executive of the said AC company is quoted as saying on an advertising and marketing web portal, ‘The idea behind this TVC is to establish a unique connection with our consumers and highlight the importance of clean air inside homes especially in these challenging times of the pandemic’. (


The second wave of the Coronavirus has put the lives of all Indians on a hold. All that people are thinking about is their and their loved ones’ health. In such a situation, claims like the ones made in the advertisement grossly mislead the consumers.  In recent times we have come across advertisements that promise upto 99% protection against corona. CERC has questioned some of such advertisements writing to CCPA, ASCI and FDCA (Food and Drugs Control Authority). Based in Ahmedabad, CERC is India’s foremost consumer awareness, protection and advocacy organization. It has recently got two misleading ads of biscuits about false health claims withdrawn.


For more information please contact Ketan Vadaria on 9825015161,

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