Dec. – 16: TALL TALK

Exaggerated claims

When a packet of snacks claims the product is “cholesterol free”, has “low sodium salt” and is “100% atta” you would not mind indulging yourself. This is the case with Patanjali Jeera Bites. The packet also lists the various benefits of jeera (cumin seeds) implying that consuming Jeera Bites will give you the same. But is jeera present in such quantity that it would deliver these benefits? We brought this to the notice of Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) and mentioned that promoting the product as healthy because of presence of jeera is misleading because the snack itself may not be very healthy.


ASCI responded that the three claims mentioned above were not substantiated and were misleading by ambiguity. While ASCI acknowledged that jeera had benefits as a single ingredient, its quantity might not be significant in the product. Also presentation of the benefits of jeera on the packaging material was misleading. ASCI has advised the advertiser to either withdraw or modify the packaging.   

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