10 things you should never do on an airplane

pg 35

The last thing you want on a vacation is to fall sick. Grahak Sathi brings to you tips on how to stay healthy and comfortable while flying.

1. Walk around barefoot: The flight carpets may have anything from vomit to blood to spilled food to broken glass. Never walk barefoot.
2. Sit in your seat the entire flight: Low air pressure in the cabin can slow your circulation and cause blood clots, particularly in the legs. Walk around a little or do simple stretching exercises.
3. Turn off the air vent over your seat: Wear a sweater or stole if the air blowing makes you chilly but don’t turn off the vent. Keeping it on blows away airborne germs.
4. Wear contact lenses: The air in the cabin is very dry and wearing contact lenses can cause irritation to your eyes.

5. Eat food after it’s fallen on the tray table: Some people use the food tray as a baby changing table! The tray table doesn’t get sterilized between flights.
6. Fall asleep against the window: You don’t know who else has sneezed or coughed against that glass you doze off against.
7. Not being hydrated: Airplane cabins are known for their low humidity so stay hydrated. Drink enough water and avoid alcohol, tea or coffee.
8. Touch the flush button: The bathroom is a place where germs hide out. To protect yourself, wash your hands thoroughly and use a paper towel to press the flush button and open the door.
9. Not tell the crew if you are unwell: Flight attendants are trained to help with medical emergencies. If you are not feeling well definitely speak up.
10. Hesitate to ask for a seat change if the person next to you is sick: This might not be possible if the flight is full. But you may request for a change if there are unoccupied seats.

Sources: www.rd.com, www.businessinsider.in

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