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Passenger charter for air travel released    

Alternate flight 


Civil Aviation Minister Suresh Prabhu has released a passenger charter which specifies rights of air travellers. The charter states that if a domestic flight is expected to be delayed by more than six hours, the airline should offer an option of “alternate flight” to the passenger within that time, or refund the full price of the ticket.

If a passenger is informed of flight cancellation less than two weeks before departure, the airline must offer an alternate flight or refund. Again, if any passenger is denied boarding due to overbooking, the passenger could claim compensation if he or she is not given an alternate flight within one hour of original flight’s departure, states the charter.

Rights upheld    


Label use of atta, maida properly: FSSAI 

Ensuring clarity 

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has directed packaged food companies to label atta as whole wheat flour and maida as refined wheat flour to help consumers make better choices. This decision was taken in public interest as it was observed that companies had sold both atta and maida under the same term, “wheat flour”.

FSSAI has stated that “using the term wheat flour for maida on the label of the food products does not convey the exact nature of the ingredient used for manufacturing various food items.

Informed consumers   


TV channels told to run scroller on misleading advts

Raising awareness          

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) has directed broadcasters to run a scroller against objectionable advertisements. The scroller should say: “Objectionable ads? Complain to The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) 7710012345 ascionline.org”.

The step has been taken to create mass consumer awareness about the self-regulatory mechanism of ASCI. The government wants all programmes and advertisements telecast on TV channels to adhere to the Programme and Advertising Codes prescribed under the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 and rules. As per Rule 7(9), no advertisement should violate the ASCI Code.

Tackling menace      

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