When smartphones stress out parents


Today, as smartphones and tablets blur the lines between work, home and social lives, parents are struggling to balance it all. This may be causing internal tension, conflicts and negative interactions with kids, a recent study published in the Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics suggests.

When parents focus on their devices, kids act out to get their attention. This, in turn, makes parents snap at them leading to unhealthy interactions. Trying to focus on work and children at the same time adds to parental stress. Creating device-free time during dinner, before bed or right after everyone gets home for the day, will help.


Do you have ‘nature deficit disorder’?

Nature Deficit Disorder or NDD arises as people, especially children, spend more time indoors. This makes them feel alienated from nature and more vulnerable to negative moods or reduced attention span. Although it is not a recognised medical condition as yet, its effects on the wellbeing of people is causing grave concern, reports www.bbc.com.

NDD is caused by a sedentary lifestyle and increased focus on modern technology. As a result, people are less observant about the natural world around. Even simple connections with nature like sitting in the garden watching a butterfly can bring about a positive emotional response.


Facebook presence linked to health and longevity

A study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), comes as a welcome change from reports on the negative impact of social media. It revealed that Facebook users have a 12% lower risk of dying in a given year than those who don’t use Facebook. Needless to say, those who accepted the most friend’s requests lived longest.

Researchers from Facebook and Yale University analysed six months’ online activity by 12 million Facebook users in California and their health records of two years. It found that mortality from infections, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and liver disease is “significantly lower” for Facebook users in comparison with non-users. Also, those on Facebook with the highest levels of offline ties – measured by posting more photos, suggesting face-to-face activity – had the greatest longevity.

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John Doe, Astronomer
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