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People increasingly suffering from ‘eco-anxiety’

Feeling powerless


Did you know that a teenage boy in Australia after seeing the effects of drought in his area refused to drink water? This is an extreme example of what is increasingly becoming common – eco-anxiety, the connection between climate change and mental health.

A recent report ‘Mental Health and Our Changing Climate: Impacts, Implications, and Guidance’ from the American Psychological Association says people feel stressed and powerless because of the current state of the planet. It said climate change-related disaster news triggered anxiety in up to 40% of people. Also, following natural disasters like  Hurricane Katrina, 49% of people developed an anxiety or mood disorder.

Worrying trend 


UK may introduce ‘Google tax’ in 2020

Targets revenue 

UK may introduce a new Digital Services Tax on technology giants like Google, Facebook and Amazon. It is felt that these global companies, with profitable businesses in UK, must pay their fair share towards supporting public services, according to www.politico.eu. The tax is not an online sales tax but one that targets revenue generated due to data collected from users.

The tax will be a 2% levy on revenues derived from the activities of UK users of search engines, social media platforms and online marketplaces. The proposal has attracted controversy. Opponents warn that it will undermine UK’s reputation as the best place to start a technology business or invest in one.

Controversial plan   


Soon, charge your phone after weeks!

Fluoride batteries

Imagine not having to charge your phone or laptop for weeks! It seems like a dream. Well, researchers are exploring the possibility. They are looking into alternative batteries that go beyond the current lithium-ion versions popular today.

In a recent study published in the journal Science, chemists have found a new way of making rechargeable batteries using fluoride. Fluoride batteries can have a higher energy density, which means they may last up to eight times longer than batteries in use today. But fluoride can be challenging to work with, because it’s corrosive and reactive, say the researchers. 

Dream come true? 

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