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Gulmohar Party Plot returns advance money

Promise not kept


D.D. Shah booked Gulmohar Party Plot for 20 Feb 2018 for his daughter’s wedding. He paid an advance of Rs. 57,500 on 5 June 2017. But soon after booking the plot, there was a change in the date of the wedding. As a result, he had to cancel the booking. The Gulmohar Party Plot authorities promised to refund his booking amount. But even after a year’s follow-up, he did not receive any money.

Shah requested intervention from Consumer Education and Research Society (CERS), Ahmedabad. The consumer organization diligently pursued the matter and he was able to get a refund of Rs. 33,000 within one month as final settlement. 

Quick action


Always discuss rules and regulations regarding cancellations charges and refunds before booking with any party plot. Get a written acknowledgement of these terms. 

Hero Motor Corp made to pay for defective bike

Bumpy road ahead!

Mehul Nagar had bought a new Splender i3s Smart 110 Bike from Hero Motor Corp. Within three days of purchase, the bike’s engine started giving trouble. The problem in the engine was identified at the service centre. Mehul asked the company to take necessary action but sadly no action was taken by them.

Fed up, he contacted CERS for help. It wrote to Hero Motor Corp head office and constantly followed up for over six months. CERS’s efforts bore fruits when Mehul finally received a refund of Rs. 40,000. “CERS’s efforts are commendable. I am grateful to the organization for their prompt response, transparency and sincerity towards consumers,” said a grateful Mehul. 

Finally, a smooth ride

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