Good Knight Fabric Roll On–False Miraculous effect? Â
Inadequate data  Â
A child does not pay heed to his mother’s instructions to protect himself from being bitten by mosquitoes. So his mother uses Good Knight Fabric Roll On and puts four drops on his clothes. The product is supposed to be 100% natural. We were not convinced by these claims and complained to GAMA.
The inappropriate testing methodology and incomplete test data presented by the advertiser led ASCI to conclude that the claims on the efficacy of the product were not well substantiated. In addition, the need to apply coin-sized dots of the product was not made clear in the advt. Also, the child is shown not wearing his shirt. So, how could the product – which is to be applied on clothes – be effective? The claim of 100% natural ingredients was also not substantiated. The CCC noted the advt was misleading by exaggeration and omission. The TVC contravened Chapters I.1 and I.4 of the ASCI Code. The advertiser was asked to withdraw or modify the advt.
Unsubstantiated claims   Â