Height of exaggeration!


An Ayurvedic capsule made completely of herbs that can ‘increase height with double speed’ that is effective till age 34! Can you find a clearer case of advertisers making fools of gullible consumers? Manufactured by Bhagyesh Health & Beauty Care Private Limited, Height Grow Capsule is supposed to increase 5 inches height in 3 months. Full money will apparently be refunded if no benefits are seen.

In addition, the ad goes on to claim that the ‘miracle’ capsule is the ‘World’s No.1 product which increases height with speed now in India after Japan, China, America and Russia’!

The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) viewed the print advertisement. In the absence of comments from the advertiser, it concluded that the claims in the ad were not substantiated.

Also, specific to the claims related to increase in height, the ad is in breach of the law as it violates The Drugs & Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1955. The schedule for diseases specified under the Act, for which ads claiming remedies cannot be brought out, include: blindness, cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart diseases, high or low blood pressure, sexual impotence, leucoderma, tuberculosis, sterility of women, AIDS and stature of person.

The advertisement also contravenes Chapters I.1 and III.4 of the ASCI Code.

Chapter I.1 states: “Advertisements must be truthful. All descriptions, claims and comparisons which relate to matters of objectively ascertainable fact should be capable of substantiation. Advertisers and advertising agencies are required to produce such substantiation as and when called upon to do so by The Advertising Standards Council of India.”

Chapter III.4 states: “Advertisements should contain nothing which is in breach of the law nor omit anything which the law requires.”

Needless to say, ASCI upheld the complaint.

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John Doe, Astronomer
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