Honda repairs car under warranty after CERS intervenes

Dr. Ateet Sharma’s one and a half year old Honda Civic suddenly developed a problem with the side view mirror. Since the car was under warranty, he decided to get it repaired or replaced at the workshop of the authorised dealer from whom he purchased the car. But the dealer’s manager said the mirror was not functioning as it had either been forcefully closed or externally damaged by a third party, which was not true. As this was not a mechanical or manufacturing fault, the mirror would not be covered under the warranty, he said.

Ateet wrote to CERS with copies of the documents and requested it to resolve the matter justly. He said that repairing the mirror would cost him around Rs. 5,000 but he strongly felt that the company should keep its word regarding warranty. CERS contacted the manager and urged him to resolve the matter amicably. A meeting was arranged among CERS, the complainant and company. It was fruitful and the company agreed to replace the mirror.


Immigration consultant refunds fees for services not availed

When Akash Chaudhary planned to go to Canada, he chose Y Axis to be his immigration consultant. He paid Rs 56,100 for the entire process. A year later, he changed his plans and got admitted in an MBA course in India. He intimated Y Axis about his decision and requested it to refund the balance fees. A month later, he got a call from the agency informing him that as per the agreement which he had signed, no refund was given after one year. But no copy of such an agreement was given to Akash. He approached CERS.

CERS wrote to Y Axis to refund the fees on pro-rata basis for the time and services Akash had not availed. Y Axis said as a special case, since CERS was involved, they would refund 25% of the consultation fees paid. But Akash insisted that since he had not availed more than half the services, he should get 50% refund. After some persuasion, Y Axis agreed to refund 50% of the fees and even expedited the refund process. A delighted Akash informed CERS that he had received Rs. 28,000 from Y Axis thanks to the consumer organisation’s help.

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