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How to travel by air stress-free

Travel is part of life whether we are travelling on business or heading out for a well-earned vacation. Make travel as stress-free as possible with these simple tips:

  • Keep the itinerary handy: Write up an itinerary with flight numbers, arrival times, hotel addresses, confirmations from each hotel and any other side trips or excursions you have signed up for in advance.
  • Pack smart and travel light: If you are a frequent flyer, always keep a semi-packed bag set aside with a case of toiletries and a pair or two of clothes. Pack a change of clothes (or at least clean socks and undergarments) in your carry-on baggage in case your luggage is lost. Make sure to pack the basic minimum of stuff and travel light.
  • Carry copies: Make copies of your passport, tickets, booking confirmations and other important documents and store the sets in separate places so that if you lose anything, it’s easier to replace.
  • Buy travel insurance: A cheap travel insurance company with basic medical coverage and cancellation insurance is a good idea.
  • Arrive early: Leave home well in time. Check in your luggage and complete the security check formalities as soon as you reach the airport because as the departure time comes closer, the queue gets longer. Use the waiting lounge to catch up on reading or calling up friends.
  • Bring something to entertain You: Bring something with you to keep your mind occupied while travelling. If you are travelling with a kid, bring an activity book or the kid’s favourite toy.
  • Be proactive if something goes wrong: If you have a problem with the airlines or hotel, inform them instead of grumbling. Tell them exactly what you want them to do to fix the problem.
  • Accept uncertainty: Be prepared to face any deviation from the actual plan. You might not make it to your destination on time due to the weather or any other reason.
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