We strive to resolve consumer complaints through mediation before we resort to legal action. If you have a complaint, email it to: complaints@cercindia.org. Given below are a few of the complaints resolved recently.


Verka compensates consumer for rotten cheese

Milkfed, producers of Verka Milk and Milk Products, had to pay compensation of Rs 10,000 to Jitendra Soni for a 200 gm pack of cheese costing Rs. 75 that was rotten. When he opened the packet at home, he found the cheese had fungal growth on it and was unfit for consumption. He took photographs of the cheese and sent them to the customer care mail ID of Verka and Reliance Fresh, where the cheese was bought, along with his complaint. They responded that they would look into the matter.

Meanwhile, Jitendra sent a sample of the cheese for laboratory tests which confirmed that it did not conform to quality standards. He wrote to CERS asking it to intervene. CERS wrote to Verka and got an immediate response that the complainant had not shown company officials the disputed pack of cheese (which was untrue). Jitendra told Milkfed officials that he would approach the media. Verka realised its lapse and agreed to pay him compensation.


Finally, travel company refunds cancelled ticket amount

Vikram Mule (name changed) of Mumbai and his friends, all senior citizens, decided to go on a trip to Andaman islands. Two months before the scheduled departure, they were informed by the online travel company that the airline had cancelled those particular flights. They were offered alternate flights. But since the new schedule was not convenient they decided to cancel the trip. Vikram wrote to the travel company to cancel their tickets and give a refund but to no avail. Fed up, he approached CERS for help.

CERS wrote to the travel company as well as the airline. The airline responded immediately and confirmed that no cancellation charges would be deducted. This mail was shared by CERS with the travel company, which had no choice but to agree to reimburse the amount. Still, it kept delaying the refund. A strong mail from CERS and persistent follow-up made the company apologise for the delay and reimburse the entire amount of Rs. 1.01 lakh. Vikram was thankful to CERS as he had been pursuing the matter for nearly two years.

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