Pest control agency agrees to abide by warranty clause

Gujarat Pest Control Services carried out anti-termite treatment at Chirag Shah’s home. The agency assured Chirag of a warranty of seven years. In less than two months Chirag noticed termites in his house. Shocked, he immediately contacted the agency and asked it to do the needful. But it said he would have to pay Rs. 100 for getting the services again. Though the amount was small, he thought the charge was unfair.

Despite persuasion, the agency did not budge. Chirag contacted CERS and asked the organisation to intervene. Before writing to the pest control agency CERS spoke to its officials over the phone to try and resolve the matter amicably. CERS efforts bore fruit. The agency agreed to do the second round of anti-termite treatment at Chirag’s home free of cost owing to the warranty.

Home Shop 18 clears the air, replaces damaged ceiling fan

Rahul Bansal from New Delhi ordered a Khaitan ceiling fan worth Rs. 6,990 from HomeShop 18. The model had decorative glass parts which appealed to him. To his disappointment, when he opened the package he found all the glass parts broken and destroyed beyond repair because of poor packaging. Rahul contacted the customer care department of HomeShop which asked him to ship the product back. The company remained silent about a replacement or refund. It also did not tell him, despite repeated inquiries, whether it would reimburse the shipping costs. Fed up, he approached CERS for help.

CERS contacted the customer care department asserting that it was Rahul’s right as a consumer to get the information. Reacting swiftly this time, HomeShop sent a mail to Rahul informing him that he could opt for a refund or replacement and that he would be reimbursed the shipping costs. Happy with this response, Rahul opted for a replacement. HomeShop not only replaced the ceiling fan but also gave him a complimentary gift coupon worth Rs. 500.

Adani Gas relents, adjusts deposit money

Raksha Patel paid Rs 12,550 to Adani Gas Ltd. for a gas pipeline connection. She also wanted a connection for a geyser. She got her cooking gas connection in four months. But the connection for geyser was not given. On inquiring she was told that she would have to pay Rs. 1,250 more. After deduction of installation and deposit charges there was a balance of Rs. 5,000 with the company.

Raksha requested it to deduct Rs. 1,250 and return Rs. 3,750 to her. The company did not agree to adjust the amount and asked her to make an additional payment for the geyser connection. Feeling aggrieved, she wrote to CERS for assistance. CERS wrote to Adani Gas Ltd. and requested it to resolve the matter. Constant follow-up by CERS yielded desired results. Raksha got the connection for a geyser as well as the balance Rs. 3,750.

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