Consumer Advocacy 2014

  • Posted by CERC India
  • Posted in
  • CERS demands meter data cards for consumers.
  • CERS backs Delhi DISCOMs.
  • CERC protests parking fee at airport.
  • CERS provides relief to electricity consumers.
  • CERS makes its voice heard at Mumbai airport meet.
  • Adani tariff hike challenged before tribunal.
  • Spotlight on misleading ads at CI meeting.
  • CERC for inclusion of “Consumer Right to Fair Terms of Contract” among basic consumer rights.
  • CERS files PIL for judicial person as GERC chairman.
  • CERS stays tariff hike for state electricity utilities.
  • Plight of Consumers.
  • Consumer protection services eligible under CSR.
  • CERC calls for more funds for Consumer Protection in Budget 2014.
  • CERS demands equitable distribution of electricity in UP.
  • CERC sends suggestions for Gujarat Water policy.
  • Mandatory recall of substandard, defective products proposed.
  • CERC suggests CP Act amendments.
  • CERC’s suggests sixth right in RBI charter of customer rights.
  • CERS files petition against Adani Power.
  • CERS demands 5% reduction in electricity duty.
  • Malpractices adopted by flight carriers exposed.
  • Honest citizen harassed by adverse police report.
  • CERC joins CI in demanding phone rights.
  • CERS demands judicial appointees in power sector.
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John Doe, Astronomer
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