Babies can predict what you are going to do


Apparently, babies as young as eight months can observe our every move and predict what a person is most likely to do next, a study suggests. The findings, published in the journal Infancy, may shed light on how infants and young children learn about people’s preferences for a certain kind of food, toy or activity.

It might also explain why kids always seem to want the toy that someone else is playing with. Consistency seems to be an important factor for infants in helping them sort out what is happening in the world around them.


Artificial sweeteners are linked to weight gain

Don’t think that using an artificial sweetener will help you lose weight. Apart from other health hazards, use of these these sweeteners leads to weight gain. A report, published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, revealed that people who regularly consumed them had a higher risk of health issues like obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

There are several theories that seek to explain this. One is that regular eating or drinking sugar substitutes may cause people to crave sweeter foods. Another is that those who take sweeteners may believe that because they have consumed zero calories they can indulge in some treats.


Cancer patient wins Rs. 267-cr lawsuit against J&J

A Californian woman won a $417 (around Rs. 267 crore) million lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson. She claimed that she had developed ovarian cancer after using the company’s baby powder regularly for feminine hygiene for over 60 years. According to news reports, a jury voted in her favour making it the largest sum awarded in such verdicts.

In her lawsuit, Echeverria alleged that Johnson & Johnson failed to adequately warn its consumers about the talcum powder’s potential cancer risks. However, the company is going to appeal the jury’s decision and maintains that scientific evidence supports the safety of Johnson’s baby powder.

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John Doe, Astronomer
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