Insurer must pay up within 7 days after settlement date


The National Commission has ruled that once an insurance company accepts an offer of settlement from the insured person, the amount should be paid within seven days. Otherwise, it would be ‘deficiency in service’ as defined in the Consumer Protection Act entailing payment of compensation.

In a recent landmark judgement – National Insurance Co. Ltd. vs Lakhveer Singh – the Commission cited the rule found in Regulation-9 of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Protection of Policyholders’ Interests) Regulations.

FSSAI to study expert panel’s views on HFSS foods

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has asked its scientific panel on nutrition and food fortification to examine some of the recommendations made by an expert group set up in 2015 to advise it on dietary intake of high fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) foods.

According to FSSAI, the group has not defined what exactly ‘junk food’ is and has not listed the food products that should not be advertised to children. The group’s recommendation on clearer nutritional labelling for packaged food will be incorporated in the new labelling regulations which are being finalized by FSSAI.

The expert group was set up after representations from CERC and other consumer organisations. CERC was nominated by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs (MoCA) for participation in the consultations.

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