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Hunger pangs can make you ‘hangry’

Internal signal 


Hunger can make people ‘hangry’ – irrationally irritable, upset or angry. A study titled ‘Feeling hangry? When hunger is conceptualized as emotion’ published in the journal Emotion explores how hunger affects emotions.

The study suggested that hunger alone wasn’t enough to make someone ‘hangry’. Hungry people needed to be in a negative situation or be subjected to negative stimuli before they started feeling ‘hangry’. Also, people were less likely to become ‘hangry’, if they were aware of their emotions. Similarly, the researchers concluded, other internal signals like feeling cold or hot or in pain may have their own versions of ‘hangry’.

Negative situation


Food brands rapped for obesity inaction 

Unhealthy diets

Nine of Australia’s biggest food manufacturers, including Kraft Heinz, McCain and Schweppes, are under fire for their nutrition and obesity prevention policies. A new report by Deakin University’s Global Obesity Centre, that ranked the nutrition policies of 19 food and beverage manufacturers, found only half received a passing grade.

“Unhealthy diets are creating a public health crisis in Australia. This has a high cost to the economy, including large impacts on the health care system and productivity,” said the report. Companies should curb marketing of unhealthy foods to children; reduce added sugar, saturated fat and trans fat content in products, and follow norms for nutrition labelling, it recommended.

Companies should act


J&J to pay $4.7 bn damages in talc cancer case

Record verdict 

Johnson & Johnson has been ordered to pay $4.7bn (£3.6bn) in damages to 22 women who alleged that its talc products caused them to develop ovarian cancer. The verdict is the largest payout J&J has faced over the allegations, according to BBC. The company has maintained that the safety of its talcum powder is supported by decades of scientific evidence.

Of the 22 women, six have died from ovarian cancer. Their lawyers alleged the company knew its talc was contaminated with asbestos since the 1970s but failed to warn consumers about the risks. The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies talc used on the genitals as “possibly carcinogenic”.

Consumers unaware


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