IFFCO Kisan Sanchar Ltd. to refund the cost of faulty handset.

CERS’s intervention compels IFFCO Kisan Sanchar Ltd.
to refund the cost of faulty handset.

Ahmedabad, 11th February, 2013

In a recent order passed by the Consumer Redressal Forum Ahmedabad (Rural), IFFCO Kisan Sanchar Ltd was asked to refund the entire amount of Rs. 2700/- along with 9% interest from the date of purchase (i.e. 21st December 2009) to Ahmedabad resident Kaushal Lakhia who had bought a brand new IFFCO 003 Handset purchased in December 2009 at a cost of Rs. 2700 and was facing severe problems in its functioning in less than a year from its purchase.

The Forum also ordered IFFCO to pay Rs. 2000/- towards mental agony faced by the buyer and Rs. 1000/- towards litigation cost. Kaushal had approached Consumer Education & Research Society (CERS), after repeatedly being refused a concrete solution by the IFFCO repair center for his newly purchased mobile handset that had started developing problems since September 2010. CERS then moved on to file a case in the Consumer Forum on behalf of Kaushal against IFFCO selling faulty handsets.

Kaushal had purchased the handset on 21st December 2009 for a price of Rs. 2700/-. The first signs of problem in the phone began to appear in early September 2010 when the phone stopped working totally. Lakhia visited the service center to get his handset repaired. The technicians returned the handset assuring Kaushal that the due repairs had been done. However the mobile handset continued to give problems and was sent back for repairs on the 13th September 2010. But this time again the repairs were not up to satisfaction and so Kaushal approached CERS for further guidance.

In the reply, the opponent’s advocate tried to prove that the complainant was lying however it was proven by the CERS advocate that Kaushal had been harassed due to the multiple repair sessions as a result of the irregularities in the functioning of his mobile.

For further information please contact Ms Pritee Shah (O) 079-27489945/46.

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