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Nihar Shanti Badam Amla Hair Oil: On slippery ground 

Unsubstantiated claims       


The TVC of Nihar Shanti Badam Amla Hair Oil shows a woman dancing and the audience commenting on her beautiful hair. She attributes it to amla in her hair oil. Actress Vidya Balan takes the stage next, and her hair is seen to be “most beautiful”. She says that her hair oil contains almonds as well, which results in “black, silky hair”. Was the quantity of almonds in the product sufficient to have the impact shown? Was the image of Vidya Balan’s hair photoshopped? Having these doubts, we objected to the advt.

The advertiser stated that if the product is used it would darken the hair colour as compared to “unoiled hair”. However, ASCI observed that the woman who dances first uses amla hair oil. Hence, there was a disconnect between the implication and the context set up in the TVC and advertiser’s claim. Moreover, the benefits of almonds in hair oil were not adequately substantiated. ASCI found the advt misleading by ambiguity and implication. It also said no evidence had been provided that the celebrity had done due diligence before endorsing the product.

No due diligence  

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