January-20: ATW

  • Posted by CERC India
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Women better with money than men: Study

Gender matters


Women are better with money than men because they can stick to a budget and spend less on impulse purchases, research suggests. A study by investment platform eToro found that women are more likely to know exactly how much money they have in their bank accounts.

It also emerged that men spend more money on impulse purchases (£65 each month) compared to women (£54). Women are also more likely to set a budget – and stick to it – than men. While females are seen as better money managers, they are more likely to consider themselves to be impulsive with their spending, although they part with less cash on these buys than men.

Money-savvy women


Advts of high-sugar drinks to be banned

No sugar rush

Singapore is to become the first country to ban advts that promote drinks with a high sugar content by next year. The ban, announced at the opening ceremony of the 2019 Singapore Health and Biomedical Congress, will apply to advts across print, broadcast and online platforms.

In addition to the ban on high-sugar-drink advts, the Ministry of Health said it will introduce graded and colour-coded nutrition labels on high-sugar drinks so consumers can make an informed choice.

 A healthy future


Arsenic, lead and heavy metals in baby food

Hazardous meals

A study conducted by Healthy Babies Bright Futures found that 95% of baby food contains at least one toxic heavy metal that can harm brain development. It tested 168 samples from 61 brands for heavy metals arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury. About 25% of them contained all four.

The group, made up of scientists, pediatricians, and other experts, says even trace amounts of heavy metals found in baby food can “alter the developing brain and erode a child’s IQ. The impacts add up with each meal or snack a baby eats.”

Food for thought

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