July 17: IN A CAPSULE  

Ill-fitting dentures can cause cancer

PG 30

Chronic irritation in the mouth resulting from ill-fitting dentures can cause oral cancer. Doctors, from the Tata Memorial Centre in Mumbai, however, said that no association has been proven between the duration of denture use and cancer formation.

The researchers came to these conclusions after reviewing 22 studies from across the world exploring links between mucosal trauma (trauma to the membrane that lines cavities in the body and surrounds internal organs) and cancer.

Walk just 15 minutes a day for better health

Just 15 minutes a day spent on walking can work wonders. Researchers from France have confirmed the effectiveness of this exercise in a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

The benefits of walking as a low-impact exercise are numerous. It prevents diabetes; promotes weight loss; increases vitamin D levels and relieves pain. It also helps prevent colon, breast and lung cancer; supports heart health and enhances mood

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