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PIL against use of chemicals in fruits, vegetables

Curbing chemical use

A Mumbai-based NGO, Citizen Circle for Social Welfare and Education, has filed a public interest litigation (PIL) before the Bombay High Court. The PIL, according to www.livelaw.in, seeks  prohibition of use of excess amounts of pesticides by farmers and chemicals by fruit and vegetable vendors.

It also wants a ban on usage of growth hormones and sale of genetically-treated chicken and chicken containing antibiotics by multinational fast food chains. The PIL states that vendors use calcium carbide, ethylene and other dangerous chemicals for quick ripening of fruits and vegetables and to give an unnatural shine to them.

Towards safer food

Light pollution more in developed countries 

Brighter nights


Satellite shots taken every October between 2012 and 2016 have revealed that the world is getting brighter. According to a recent study published in Science Advances, more than 60% of the world, and close to 99% of US and Europe, suffers from light pollution.

Most of the growth in lighting came from developing countries – India and China. Earlier studies have suggested that lighting grows with rising gross domestic product (GDP). The artificial light sources are not just electric lights but also laptops and smartphones. Research has linked light pollution to cancer, obesity, depression and dementia.

Hazardous to health

Polluted cities have to take steps to manage dust

Laying down the law  

Indian cities and towns where the hazardous particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) exceeds prescribed limits will now have to implement measures to reduce dust. The Ministry of  Environment, Forest and Climate Change has notified specific dust mitigation measures for handling construction and demolition wastes.

No building or infrastructure project requiring environmental clearance will get the nod without approved dust mitigation measures. Two important rules are that roads at or leading to construction sites must be paved and blacktopped and loose soil, sand or any other construction material or waste should not be left uncovered. According to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), as many as 195 cities and towns exceeded the prescribed PM10 limit in 2016 while 31 cities were over the PM2.5 standard.

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