June 18: TALL TALK

  • Posted by CERC India
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Surf Excel Matic Liquid – Unclear comparison 

 Vague statement  


“Get 2 times more power with Surf Excel Matic Liquid” said the advertisement on Facebook. Two times more power than what? In the absence of any clarity, we lodged our complaint with GAMA. The advertiser responded that the claim was based on a third-party study. It had concluded that Surf Excel Top Load Matic Liquid detergent shows overall superior performance as compared to Surf Excel Top Load Matic Powder and Surf Excel Quick Wash Powder where the powders were used at two times the dosage of liquid.

ASCI observed that although the claim “Get 2 times more power with Surf Excel Matic Liquid”, was substantiated against the advertiser’s own products, it does not specify in the advertisement what the product is being compared to. It was misleading by omission as there was no disclaimer to mention the basis of comparison. The advertisement contravened Chapter I.4 of the ASCI Code. As such, the advertiser was asked to withdraw or modify the advt.

 No disclaimer 

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