- Posted by CERC India
- Posted in Pharmaceuticals
Lorazepam (benzodiazepin) was introduced in Sweden 1980.
During the period of 1984-1988 820 individuals reported to KILEN, an adverse drug reaction monitoring centre in Sweden, the side-effects of Lorazepam. All of them reported, among other things, dependency. Furthermore they reported that they had informed their doctors about the unwanted effects which they had experienced.
During the period of 1980-1988 The Swedish medical Product Agency had received 18 cases from doctors concerning side-effects of Lorazepam. None of these cases were dealing with dependency.
7 of these cases had been acknowledged by the authorities as possible side-effects from the drug.
By 1998, all the side-effects reported by the consumers got scientifically well documented.
Benzodiazepine-dependency creates a state of total disability for many people.