10 words to use in a job interview

A job interview is an opportunity to sell yourself to a prospective employer. Be sure to slip in the right words and phrases to effectively communicate your skill set and interest in the job.

Excited: Showing excitement and enthusiasm will convey that you want the job. Recruiters are looking for people who have a real interest in their prospective role.

Company’s name: Find out all relevant details about the company and industry before the interview. Communicate that you want to build a career with the company and don’t have plans to move on quickly.

Experience: Reiterate how your experience fits the position and will help the company succeed. Describe your most significant accomplishment with an anecdote to make a lasting impression.


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Example: This is the most powerful interview word as it makes you ‘show’ rather than ‘tell’ the interviewer about your abilities and successes.

Results: Show that you have a plan to make an impact on the fortunes of the company. Talk about measurable results rather than mere activities to show that you understand what’s really important.

Persistent: Hiring managers are looking for people who are responsible, persistent and hard-working. Highlight your persistence as intelligence without persistence rarely leads to long-term success.

Willing to learn: Among your strengths do mention willingness to learn. In today’s fast-paced work environments, being flexible and keen to learn are key traits.

What’s next: If the interviewer has not spelt out what the hiring process entails, ask about the next step to show your interest without being pushy.

Thank you: Before exiting look the interviewer in the eye and thank him or her for taking the time to meet you. Hiring managers will remember the prospective employee who lacked manners.

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