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10 hair-washing mistakes you could be making

While hair-washing may seem a simple process, there is a method to follow and some practices to avoid


What’s so difficult about washing your hair? After all, you have been doing it all your life. You apply shampoo, lather and rinse. Then you apply the conditioner and rinse again. Next, you towel dry your hair and get ready for the day.

Even though hair-washing is no rocket science, there’s a method to follow that will prevent scalp irritation and bad hair days. Moreover, avoiding the mistakes described below can help your hair grow faster and longer. You will have a head of shiny, healthy hair that is the envy of all. 

Using the wrong products: Select the right products for your hair and stick to them – don’t keep switching products. Choose a shampoo that suits your hair texture. For instance, fine hair needs a protein-rich shampoo to add volume. Coarse hair needs smoothing agents to keep it soft, manageable, and frizz-free. When in doubt, consult your hair stylist.

Washing too often: Washing your hair every day can strip natural oils from your hair. If you feel you need to wash your hair daily, do so without shampoo. The water wash will remove excess grime without drying out the scalp. Don’t forget to use hair conditioner. For normal hair, shampooing two to three times a week is sufficient.

Using shampoo with harsh chemicals: Avoid shampoos that contain sulphates, synthetic fragrances, ammonia and bleach. Harsh chemicals strip your hair of natural oils, irritate the scalp and may cause split ends and hair breakage.

Using the wrong amount: You should use the right amount of shampoo and conditioner – too much may cause damage, while too little will not be effective. Some hair types need less product than others. Apply shampoo twice and make sure to lather. Do not skip using the conditioner, but don’t overdo its use either.

Not brushing your hair before washing it: Tangled hair is much more difficult to wash and can cause breakage. Brushing your hair before shampooing will break up any residual product and prevent your hair from becoming tangled. 


Washing as soon as you are in the shower: Stand under the water for a minute before applying shampoo. This initial rinse will wash away the top layer of residue and help prepare your hair to get cleansed correctly.

Not using the right water temperature: Use warm water to shampoo to help open cuticles and remove dirt and oil easily. When rinsing after you’ve conditioned, cold water will help cuticles close again leaving you with smoother, shinier hair. Avoid using water that’s too hot as this will adversely affect the colour, lustre and texture of your hair.

Focusing on wrong areas: Apply shampoo on your scalp not on the entire hair. The dirt, sebum (oily secretion), and dead skin are at the scalp. The rinsing of lather through your ends is enough to cleanse them. The opposite goes for the conditioner, which should be focused on the tips. Your ends contain the oldest and driest hair which needs conditioning. If you put conditioner on the roots it will only make your hair oily. Apply the conditioner from the middle of your hair strands and downward.

Not massaging your hair: Instead of just casually applying the shampoo, massage your hair with your fingertips (not the palms) in circular motions starting at the hairline and moving to the nape of your neck. Massaging helps create a thicker lather and cleans hair more effectively. It also stimulates the scalp and helps bring necessary nutrients to the hair follicle. Do not scrub too hard as hair is more fragile when it is wet.

Not rinsing well: Be sure to completely rinse out shampoo and conditioner. If any product is left in the hair for too long, or not rinsed out properly, it can cause build-up and irritation and even create dandruff-like flakes.

By changing just a few habits, you will see a gradual and steady improvement in your hair quality.



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