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Top 10 qualities in a good employee


Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs valued one quality above all in an employee – passion. He believed that not only can passionate, enthusiastic employees manage themselves, but they also understand the company’s mission and strive to achieve it earnestly.

Passionate employees enjoy their work and naturally put in their best efforts towards completing any task. In addition to passion, here are nine other employee characteristics that seem to be most valued:

Ambition: An ambitious employee always finds ways to improve herself. Employees can only help your company if they want to help themselves have a better career.

Dependability: A dependable employee shows a commitment to completing tasks on time. Such employees are accountable and can be entrusted with tasks.

Positivity: Upbeat and optimistic employees create a working environment that is more productive, spawns new ideas and is enjoyable for others.

Honesty: An employee may have all the talent in the world, but without integrity it is pointless.

Humility: Arrogance is one of the traits that are not liked and should not be encouraged. It is the quiet, modest worker who sometimes outperforms the more visible, talkative employees.

Creativity: Creative employees generate and implement new ideas all the time. Companies that want to succeed in the long-term are constantly evolving and need innovative thinkers.

Team-orientation: Companies succeed based on the work of teams and entire departments, not just individuals. That’s why it is important to hire people who work well in a team and cooperate and collaborate effectively with others.

Flexibility: A good employee will not resist change, but be willing to pick up new skills and adjust to new goals and roles.

Diligence: The foundation of an effective organization lies in its ability to recruit results oriented, hard-working, diligent employees who deliver. Such employees have a strong work ethic and are detail-oriented.

Finally, it is not knowledge as much as personality that makes a good employee. That’s why companies focus on personality traits during the hiring process.


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