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Tax on sugary drinks in latest Budget

Prices of fizzy sugary drinks will increase with the Government levying an excise hike in an attempt to curb consumption of the drinks blamed for increasing obesity. The tax measure will also apply to energy and sports drinks and other flavoured drinks with sugar or sweeteners.

Insurance buyers don’t need to reveal lifestyle diseases

Not mentioning common lifestyle diseases while applying for insurance is not concealing facts and cannot be a reason for rejection of insurance claims, a district forum has observed. This is unless a patient had undergone long treatment and hospitalisation days before taking the policy.

Sold goods can always be returned

Many consumers are unaware that it is illegal to print the condition: “Goods once sold will not be taken back” on receipts as per a Department of Consumer Affairs letter issued in December 1999.

Stricter labelling norms for packaged food

Packaged food will soon have to sport labels with detailed list of ingredients in larger fonts, according to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). Tall claims will not be allowed. Salt, sugar and transfat content will have to be prominently mentioned.

Make doctors write prescriptions in capital letters: MP

Rajendra Agrawal, MP from Meerut, feels doctors often write illegible prescriptions putting patients at risk. Chemists are unable to read the prescriptions properly and often sell medicines on guess work. A solution: doctors must write prescriptions in capital letters, he says.

New Bill limits Railways’ liability in case of accidents

The Railways will not have to pay compensation for accidents caused by the negligence and carelessness of passengers, if a new Bill tabled in the Lok Sabha recently is passed.

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