November-19: News Flash

USFDA finds salmonella in MDH sambar masala

 Asli Masale!

news flash - mdh

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found salmonella bacterium in at least three batches of MDH Sambhar Masala. The agency urged the consumers to return their packets of spice to the place of purchase for a full refund.

Salmonella is a bacteria that causes salmonellosis, a common food borne illness with symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fever. Most people recover from it without treatment, but some may have diarrhea so severe that they would require hospitalisation, according to the FDA.

What is in your masala

AFTER THE TEST: FDCA reacts on CERC representation on loose ice cream

 Health is priority

Our testing of 10 samples of loose ice cream and 4 of gola from different parts of Ahmedabad revealed that 70% loose ice cream samples had extremely high levels of coliform bacteria, indicating microbiological contamination (Grahak Sathi – February- March 2019). Also, 50% of gola samples had food colours above the limit. We wrote to Gujarat Food and Drugs Control Administration (FDCA) requesting them to urgently take steps to ensure that loose ice cream and golas sold are safe for consumption, especially in view of the upcoming summer season when sales grow exponentially.

FDCA immediately informed us that they have advised all the designated officers across Gujarat state to take necessary action in this regard.

Timely action

AFTER THE TEST: FDCA initiates action based CERC’s test on loose dairy products

White Revolution!

CERC’s test of 40 loose samples of dairy products – ghee, khoya, paneer and butter – taken from 22 dairies at 19 locations in Ahmedabad revealed that most samples failed in quality and purity (Grahak Sathi April-May 2017). CERC made a representation to Ministry of Consumer Affairs (Govt of Gujarat), Ministry of Health (Govt of Gujarat) and Food and Drug Control Administration (FDCA) Gujarat to strengthen the mechanism of surveillance and ensure that loose dairy products that are adulterated or contaminated are not sold in the state. We also urged them to ensure that manufacturers adopt safe and hygienic practices during production and storage.

Subsequent to our representation, FDCA has tested samples taken by them and are in the process of taking action against food business operators whose samples have not complied with standards.

Vigilance is needed

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