Oct – 16: SNIPPETS

Social media addicts prone to depression


The more young adults use social media, the more likely they are to be depressed, new research has confirmed. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube could be fuelling ‘internet addiction,’ a proposed psychiatric condition closely associated with depression, the study, published in Depression and Anxiety, says.

Social media gives youngsters the distorted belief that others lead happier, more successful lives. Also, engaging in activities of little meaning on social media may give a feeling of ‘time wasted’ that negatively influences mood. A third reason for depression could be cyber-bullying or similar negative interactions.

Popular painkiller paracetamol also kills kindness

Paracetamol can reduce a person’s capacity to empathize with another’s pain, whether that pain is physical or emotional, reports Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. In an experiment on college students, it was found that those who drank a liquid spiked with paracetamol before listening to short stories about people in pain were less empathetic.

Hard work could make you fall sick


One hour of overtime a week increases your risk of heart disease, suggests latest research. Working more than 45 hours each week, over the course of a decade, raises the long-term risk of cardiovascular disease. The study was published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

India leading in climate related violence

India, followed by Colombia and Nigeria, have the most cases of conflict caused by climate change and environmental disputes, according to a map of global ecological conflict, reports www.downtoearth.org.in. Conflicts related to water management appear the highest in India with 59 cases, followed by conflicts in fossil fuels and climate justice.

Heart attack symptoms vary by gender

Snippets - heart attack

According to a study published in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), more men than women experiencing a heart attack reported chest pain. Moreover, the younger a woman was, the higher the chance she would not experience chest pain. People having a heart attack may experience any combination of symptoms without any pain at all, such as shortness of breath, sweating and nausea.

Apple can’t sell second-hand phones in India

Apple’s latest attempt to crack the Indian smartphone market – by selling used phones – is meeting a wall of resistance from Indian industry, reports Bloomberg. The government had earlier informed Apple that it was against allowing import and sale of second-hand phones in India to prevent dumping of hazardous electronic waste.

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