Govt to regulate ‘inappropriate content’ on TV, radio 


The Central government is planning to regulate television and radio channels to curb  inappropriate and objectionable content. It has decided to set up a grievance redressal mechanism for this purpose.  Complaints can be lodged with the district magistrate or the police commissioner. People can also register their complaints online at pgportal.gov.in or directly send them to the Union information and broadcasting ministry.

Television and radio stations were following a self-regulatory mechanism so far. Now, they will be held liable if people file complaints about their content. This step has reportedly been taken after several complaints were made on indecent, inflammatory and inappropriate content being broadcast.

Customers told to go to court if restaurants demand service charge

It is illegal for restaurants and eateries to levy a service charge, the Department of Consumer Affairs has reiterated. The department even advised people to approach the consumer court if they are charged for service. In April, the department issued guidelines prohibiting eateries from levying a service charge and, instead, left it to the discretion of the customers.

Disregarding the guideline, several restaurants and other food joints continue to levy service charge. In fact, The National Restaurant Association of India (NRAI) has maintained that this practice does not violate the law.

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