October-19: News Flash

Food Safety Display Boards now mandatory

FSDB’s – a consumer friendly move


FSSAI has directed eateries and those involved in the sale of food to display their license details in a Food Safety Display Board (FSDB) outside the outlet. This is to ensure that food outlets maintain quality standards. The boards will be installed at manufacturing units, storage units and also at retail counters, dairies and other eateries. Order have been issued to all online food suppliers to procure food license.

Know your seller 

Govt considering internet monitoring through centralised system 

Big brother is watching

The telecom minister Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad informed the Rajya Sabha in a written response that the Government is considering the integration of the current monitoring of internet traffic through internet monitoring system with the centralised system which is operational across the country. He informed that a Centralised Monitoring System (CMS) for lawful interception and monitoring of mobile phones, landlines and internet traffic through mobile network has been set up by the Government. The CMS enables automated processing of lawful interception and monitoring of telecommunications.

You are under surveillance


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