Casio replaces faulty watch

Customer has a bad time  

CERS mediates

Bharat Shah bought a Casio watch for Rs. 2,595. Within one week of purchase, it stopped working. He took it to an authorized service agent who replaced the battery. Bharat was surprised that the original battery needed to be replaced within a week of purchase. After three months, the watch stopped working again. This time too the service agent replaced the battery. When this happened for the third time, he was told that there was some technical problem. The watch would have to be sent to the company service centre and it would take 45 days for him to get it back.

By now, Bharat had lost faith in the brand that he had trusted. He was not willing to accept the repaired watch and wanted a replacement. He wrote to Casio with this request and marked a copy to Consumer Education and Research Society (CERS). To his satisfaction, Casio agree to give him a new watch as replacement for the faulty one.

Company does the needful


  • Always preserve the bill copy along with the warranty card and other documents.
  • If you have given a product for repair or adjustment, ask for a job card. Keep a record of all repairs done. This will help you prove that multiple repairs were needed.


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