September-19: News Flash

Air India to pay Rs. 5 lakh for changing pre-booked seats  

No use pre-booking


The National Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission directed Air India to pay Rs. 5 lakh as compensation to its passengers for not giving them their pre-booked seats on a flight from Kolkata to Chicago despite booking 2 months in advance. The airlines also did not provide them a wheelchair which was confirmed as per their electronic ticket.

Air India said that the change in sitting arrangements was on account of a rare system error. They also claimed that there was paucity of wheelchairs at the airport and thus the passenger could not be provided with one. The bench held Air India deficient in service in pre-allocating the seats and then changing the same. It also observed that the passenger’s electronic ticket which was booked well in advance clearly indicates the confirmation of a wheelchair and so the airline should have instructed the ground staff to provide the same.

Punitive damage

Food and Beverages companies not in favour of the red marking proposed by FSSAI

Corporates reject colour transparency

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has proposed a policy that suggests mandatory red colour coding for products which are High in Fat, Sugar and Salt (HFSS) on front-of-the-pack labels. This, FSSAI hopes, will encourage consumers to make healthier food choices.

F&B companies have appealed to the food regulator against this move as they believe that the threshold suggested being set to global levels may not be relevant to the Indian dietary requirements. The companies also feel that the coding discriminates between packaged food and fresh food with the same level of FSS.

Check your labels

 FSSAI: Natural or fresh only if it is so

Say what you mean

As per the Food Safety and Standards (Advertising and Claims) Regulations, 2018 food business will be able use the words like ‘natural’, ‘fresh’, ‘original’, ‘pure’, ‘genuine’, ‘authentic’, ‘traditional’ and ‘real’ on the labels only if the product is not processed in any manner. The exception is that the products so labelled can be washed, peeled, chilled and trimmed.

The regulation also says that companies using terms that mean natural, fresh, original, pure, genuine, authentic, traditional and real as their brand name or trademark – will also have to give a clear disclaimer stating “this is only a brand name or trademark and does not represent its true nature.” Packaged food companies cannot advertise products as complete meal replacement or undermine the importance of healthy lifestyle.

No tall claims

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