The Tobacco Toothpastes Story

Mrs. Geeta Acharya complained that two tobacco based toothpastes bearing the brand names IPCO Creamy Snuff and Dentobac manufactured by Asha Industries of Nadiad and Parag Perfumes, Sihor, respectively, contained a high percentage of tobacco and were, therefore, habit-forming as well as injurious to health.

Mrs. Geeta Acharya complained that two tobacco based toothpastes bearing the brand names IPCO Creamy Snuff and Dentobac manufactured by Asha Industries of Nadiad and Parag Perfumes, Sihor, respectively, contained a high percentage of tobacco and were, therefore, habit-forming as well as injurious to health. CERC filed an application in the Gujarat High Court. In response, the Court ordered the manufacturers that their cartons and tubes shall carry the information in English and Hindi that the products contained 35% to 40% tobacco and the warning that tobacco is injurious to health. They were also directed to publish the information in their advertisement campaign in the two languages. The manufacturers were further directed to collectively pay to CERC Rs.7500/- and Rs. 17,500/- as costs for legal proceedings before the High Court and the MRTP Commission respectively.

CERS’s encounters with giant monopoly services have not only settled individual complaints but also led to the setting of precedents to the benefit of consumers of those services as a class.

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John Doe, Astronomer
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