Does my hotel room have a hidden camera? When you are in a hotel room either on work or on a vacation, the prospect of being spied on by a hidden camera can be unnerving to say the least. Spy cameras are cheap and can be concealed easily. Came..


Stopped by traffic police? Know your rights When you are flagged down by a traffic cop, you may or may not know what you have done wrong. But be aware of your rights… If you drive a two-wheeler or four-wheeler regularly, it is likely tha..


Watch out! You may be pickpocketed Knowing how pickpockets operate will help you avoid becoming a victim  Nothing can ruin a perfect day, whether you are a tourist or a local commuting to work, more than being robbed.  Pickpockets are ev..

January-20: COVER STORY

CERS takes advertisers to court for misleading advts  We see advertisements everywhere, on TV, in newspapers, on various social media platforms, websites, mobile apps, and while playing games online. Advts may lure us to buy a product even ..


e-Comm firms asked to avoid plastic packaging Global footprint   The Commerce Ministry has asked e-commerce firms to gradually curb the use of single-use plastic in packaging of products in line with the government’s commitment to ph..

January-20: ATW

UK Women better with money than men: Study Gender matters Women are better with money than men because they can stick to a budget and spend less on impulse purchases, research suggests. A study by investment platform eToro found that women are..

January-20: TALL TALK

Lotus Youth RX Anti Ageing Cream – Not that magical Beauty elixir?     “Contains Groundbreaking ‘GINEPLEX YOUTH COMPOUND’ derived from potent natural ingredients that are clinically proven to accelerate lifti..

January-20: NEWS FLASH

Norm for revival of lapsed LIC policies  Benefit extended Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) has now allowed its policyholders to revive their lapsed policies of over 2 years.  After the IRDAI Product Regulation 2013, policies taken after ..


Matrimonial agency asked to refund Rs. 50,000 Wedding Wish Pvt. Ltd., a matrimonial agency, contacted Surinder Chahal of Mohali after he gave a newspaper advertisement seeking a match for his doctor daughter Noreen. Impressed by their claims, ..

January-20: IN A CAPSULE

5 hours daily on phone increases obesity risk Health hazard An analysis of 1,060 students at Colombia showed that students who used their phones for five hours or more a day had a 43% increased risk of obesity. They were also likely to have ot..


Firm agrees to relocate solar panels      Green energy  Deepak Shukla decided to go environment friendly and also save money on electricity by installing solar panels at his home. He approached Zodiac Energy Ltd. for this purpos..

December-19: Consumer Tips

10 ways to fight allergies Does the thought of onset of winter worry you about the allergies? The pollution and pollen spread through the air increases the risk of allergies. Our tips may help you ward them off. Use a mask- Wear a mask wheneve..

December-19: In a Capsule

Vitamin D supplements don’t improve bone health No proof of effectiveness Studies has found that vitamin D supplements do not help prevent fractures, increase bone mineral density or prevent falls in adults. The research, published i..

December-19: Health

How to reduce plastic use in everyday life   Plastic has become impossible to avoid in modern life. It is found in thousands of items of daily use, from toys, electronics, personal care products to many single-use items, from grocery bag..

December-19: Around the World

UK Eating alone could make you unhappy Family that eats together A survey of about 8,000 adults by Oxford Economics and the National Centre for Social Research published by Sainsbury’s suggested eating alone has a stronger link to be..

December-19: News Flash

FSSAI frames law to promote food donation  Want not, waste not Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has framed a regulation to promote food donation by businesses and reduce wastage. The Food Safety and Sta..

December-19: Tall Talk

Fortune sunflower oil – No boost for immunity  Oil for health? “Good for immune system” claimed the print advt of Fortune sunflower oil featuring Akshay Kumar. The disclaimer stated “Contains Vitamin E which is prov..

December-19: Public Interest

Suit against Apple, Samsung for smartphone radio frequency emissions  A class action suit has been filed against tech giants Apple and Samsung in California because of a report published by The Chicago Tribune. A team of researchers found t..

December-19: Settled in Court

Court orders LIC to pay Rs. 48 lakh for death claim Hetalkumar Patel took nine policies from LIC. Within two years he died due to heart attack. LIC repudiated the claims filed by his family saying that Patel was being treated for depression an..

December-19: Cover story

15 Things you are not cleaning enough  After reading this you will change your cleaning routine  You spend hours in keeping your home and surroundings clean. But there might still be some places that just skip your attention. These in tu..

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"A placerat mauris placerat et penatibus porta aliquet sed dapibus, pulvinar urna cum aliquet arcu lectus sed tortor aliquet sed dapibus."
John Doe, Astronomer
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